Maria Luisa Daniele Toffanin Paduan poet and writer, promoter for the Levi-Montalcini Association of the competition for middle schools "Mia Euganea Terra" and of the project for schools of all levels "Insieme per Rocca". It organizes monthly literary meetings, documented in the relative notebooks, of the Cenacle of Poetry of Praglia "Together in the Human and in the Divine", conceived with the abbot father Norberto Villa. He collaborates with Oltreoceano-CILM of the University of Udine and with various literary magazines. He has published the following award-winning books: Dellazzurro ed Altro (1998, 2000), A Tindari (2000, 2001), Per Colli e Skie Together My Euganean Land (2002), DellAmicietà-My Red Hair (2004, 2006 ), Iter ligure (2006), Fragmenta (2006), And there are angels (2011), Sea notes (2012), The pearly wait of stars and dew (2014), Casentini secrets and beyond in spring (2014), Female floristry against the wind (2015), Sottovoce a te madre (2015), Matteo and Gigetto the sea toad (story, 2016), Magic of waiting (2016), From the Etna fire to the Polesine waters (2017), The house in the middle of the lawn (2018), Pioneers in San Domenico (2019), The upper room of waiting between myth and history (2019); together with Massimo Toffanin the historical novels The places of Sebastiano (2015, 2022) and The great story in minute letters (2018). He curated Una Padova Altro. The Draghi bookshop: observatory of culture (2012) and, with Mario Richter, the publication of the Proceedings of the conference she organized The sacred and more in the poetry of Andrea Zanzotto (2013). Numerous writings have been dedicated to his poetry, including two monographs: Silvana Serafin, Pensieri nomadi. The poetry of Maria Luisa Daniele Toffanin and Mario Richter, The poetry of Maria Luisa Daniele Toffanin.